Work on the pedestrian activate traffic light installation continued last week, with traffic slow downs. (Priyanka Ketkar photo/Lakes District News)

Work on the pedestrian activate traffic light installation continued last week, with traffic slow downs. (Priyanka Ketkar photo/Lakes District News)

Pedestrian-activated light now in operation in Burns Lake

Work on the installation for the pedestrian-activated traffic light continued last week, with traffic slow downs however the new pedestrian-activated light is now fully in operation. The light has been installed by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure at the crosswalk near RBC. (Priyanka Ketkar photo/Lakes District News)

  • Oct. 14, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Work on the installation for the pedestrian-activated traffic light continued last week, with traffic slow downs however the new pedestrian-activated light is now fully in operation. The light has been installed by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure at the crosswalk near RBC. (Priyanka Ketkar photo/Lakes District News)

Burns Lake Lakes District News