A BC Emergency Health Services helicopter takes off from the Saltair ball fields. (Photo by Bob Ennis)

Pedestrian airlifted to Victoria after accident in Saltair

Area director reminds motorists they need to slow down along Chemainus Road

A BC Emergency Health Services helicopter landed on the Saltair Centennial Park ball diamonds Friday afternoon to airlift an injured pedestrian to Victoria.

The incident occurred at the North Watts Road-Chemainus Road intersection. The condition of the injured pedestrian is not known.

“I am saddened to hear of this accident,” remarked Lynne Smith, the Cowichan Valley Regional District director for Area G Saltair/Gulf Islands. “The CVRD is working on a continuation of the Cowichan Valley Trail from North Watts Road to the Town of Ladysmith sidewalk boundary. A crosswalk will be in place and a trail in the road allowance. Due to COVID-19, this project is behind.

“Saltair is a semi-rural area and we find the traffic is speeding the majority of the time along the Saltair section of Chemainus Road,” she added. “There is increased traffic flow along our rural roads. Pedestrians and cyclists have limited space beside Chemainus Road and in some locations the road has no shoulder to accommodate pedestrians or cyclists.”

Along those lines, Smith indicated she had been working with Canada Post in the past to move a section of mailboxes on Chemainus Road to a safe location for those delivering mail and those picking up their mail.

From witnesses at the scene, speed was not a factor in this incident. However, Smith wanted to convey the message to those who drive along Chemainus Road that the posted speed limit is 60 kilometers per hour and people need a reminder to slow down so there’s less likelihood of an incident such as this happening again.

It’s a double recipe for disaster this time of the year: limited daylight means less visibility and when the sun is out low in the sky it can be blinding for drivers.

Ladysmith Chronicle