Penticton city council wants concept for pier park update

Council directed staff to complete the concept designs for an update to the Kiwanis Pier Park and walkway.

Council directed staff to complete the concept designs for an update to the Kiwanis Pier Park and walkway, working in conjunction with CTQ Consultants, a Kelowna engineering, planning and design firm.

Both of CTQ’s preliminary concepts include a plaza area, shelters and concrete stairs down to the water. The first design includes a viewing tower built at the end of the pier and wind sculptures, while the second design leaves the pier untouched but adds docking and a public art/viewing platform.

Director of Operation Mitch Moroziuk said they are also taking into account entrepreneur Andy Schwab’s long-delayed plans to establish a new home for the Fintry Queen next to the walking pier.

Penticton Western News