The Penticton Visitor Centre, where Travel Penticton has their offices. (Google Streetview)

Penticton hotel tax going up next summer

City council approves 1% increase

It will be slightly more expensive to stay in a hotel in Penticton next summer.

Visitors are going to pay a three per cent hotel tax instead of two per cent come summer 2022.

At Tuesday’s meeting, Penticton city council agreed to increase the hotel tax by one per cent. The increase will take effect July 2022.

Travel Penticton had been before council in August asking to increase the municipal and regional district tax rate (MRDT) on short-term stays. Council is holding a special meeting on Thursday, Sept. 23 to officially approve the increase.

Travel Penticton wanted to funds from the hotel tax revenue to go directly to them, but in August council turned that request down, sticking to the funds directly flowing to the city and being disbursed back Travel Penticton.

The revenue generated from hotel tax is more than $550,000 per year on average.

READ MORE: City council refuses to give full control to Travel Penticton

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