Penticton Indian Band chose jail sites

The Penticton Indian Band and Summerland have chosen their sites to put forward for a potential jail.

The Penticton Indian Band and Summerland have chosen their sites to put forward for a potential jail.

Chief Jonathan Kruger said his community has decided to take the next step by submitting two pieces of land, which will be part of a larger package with sites from Summerland and Penticton.

One of the PIB sites submitted is right next to the one Penticton is submitting at the Cantex site, near the gravel pit.

The other piece of land is between Faulder and Summerland, adjacent to one of the sites Summerland was thinking of submitting. This is located near the Summerland landfill.

“We had a sweeping consensus to move forward. I can’t believe how much passion has been going through our community on this issue. It was awesome to hear everyone’s comments and concerns and in a respectful manner,” said Kruger.

Summerland municipal council has chosen to put forward the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure’s gravel pit on Highway 97, north of Cristante Avenue.

Before a prison site is approved, the province must come back to the community and express interest in the site.

Then the community must decide whether to change the zoning and amend the Official Community Plan in order to allow for the facility to be constructed.

Penticton Western News