Penticton RCMP are warning the public about another round of email fraud in the community.

Penticton RCMP are warning the public about another round of email fraud in the community.

Penticton RCMP are warning public about email fraud

Police are urging caution as a new round of fraudulent emails are making the rounds portraying bank logos.

Police are urging caution as a new round of fraudulent emails are making the rounds portraying bank logos.

Some emails have been circulating appearing as if they are from the Royal Bank claiming an account security breach and asking for banking information.

“Some of them look very good,” said Cpl. Don Wrigglesworth. “They look good and are convincing, but don’t respond to that stuff with phone calls, do it in person, go to your branch.”

The emails can claim to be from multiple banks and are similar to the Canada Revenue Agency scam.

Read more: Tax scam hits 51 Penticton residents in one day

Penticton RCMP are also advising the public to be cautious when opening email received to personal accounts that may be suspicious in nature.

Recent reports of emails with the heading “Traffic Infringement Notice” have been received within the city. The message goes on to suggest that the addressee has been found to be in contravention of a traffic law and is required to pay a fine.

There is an attachment, which Police are strongly advising not to open, with details on how to make payment to a European bank account.

RCMP will not contact private email with requests of payment or suggestions that traffic violations have taken place. Penticton RCMP are cautioning those that receive this type of unsolicited mail to be cautious and be aware that RCMP are not involved, and that this type of unsolicited mail could make you susceptible to identity theft.


Penticton Western News