The SPCA shelter in Penticton had its air conditioning break during this extreme heat wave. (File photo)

Penticton SPCA shelter’s air conditioner breaks down

Community responds to SPCA request for items to help cool down shelter

  • Jun. 29, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The SPCA shelter in Penticton asked for help Tuesday morning when the air conditioning broke and the community answered.

On Tuesday morning, the Penticton SPCA shelter’s air conditioner broke down and so they took to social media asking for donations of fans, cooling mats, ice cube trays and any other items that can be used to cool the space and animals during the ongoing heatwave.

The air conditioning unit is being looked at to see if it can be repaired but in the meantime, temperatures today, Tuesday, are already at a scorching 37 C.

But since then, they have received more fans than they have plugs for. They are hoping the A/C can get fixed sometime soon though.

The city opened up a cooling centre where pets are invited if leashed at the South Okanagan Events Centre.

READ MORE: Cooling centre opens in Penticton

The SPCA has issued a plea to keep a careful eye on pets during the extreme heatwave. Do not take them with you in the car and walk them only in the early mornings or late evenings. Concrete is so hot, people are able to cook eggs.

WATCH: Road eggs baked on sidewalk

The heat dome over the Interior is expected to last until the end of the week.

If you have items to donate besides fans to help keep the animals comfortable call the SPCA at 250-493-0136 or drop them off at the shelter at 2200 Dartmouth Drive.

READ MORE: SPCA offers tips for how pets can beat the heat

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