A registered massage therapist in Penticton was expelled from the College of Massage Therapists of British Columbia. Pixabay photo

A registered massage therapist in Penticton was expelled from the College of Massage Therapists of British Columbia. Pixabay photo

Penticton therapist expelled for inappropriate behaviour to female patients

Complaints came from events that occurred between between November 2010 and June 2016

  • Dec. 23, 2017 12:00 a.m.

Multiple citations, including sexually suggestive conversations with female patients, have led to a Penticton massage therapist being expelled.

Jesse Brown, registered massage therapist, was scheduled to have a discipline hearing from the College of Massage Therapists of British Columbia on Dec. 19. Instead Brown consented to resigning registration effective Jan. 31, 2018, pay costs of $13,200 to the CMTBC by Dec. 19, 2018 and will not be eligible to apply for reinstatement of the registration for a period of 30 years.

In the admission documents, it states that between November 2010 and June 2016 Brown engaged in personal and sexually suggestive conversations in and out of the treatment room, offered and/or consumed alcohol with a patient in the treatment room, disclosed private information to the patients concerning other patients and engaged in a personal, romantic and sexual relationship with a patient — including sexual relations in the treatment room.

Brown also admitted that during the CMTBC’s investigation into the complaints of the patients, he attempted to mislead the CMTBC by falsifying text messages from one of the patients.

“The Inquiry Committee considered the Registrant’s conduct to be fundamentally inconsistent with the duties owed by registrants to patients, to the profession and to the public,” said the board in their complaint outcome.

For Brown to seek reinstatement of registration as a registered massage therapist in B.C. after December 2047, he would be required at that time to satisfy the CMTBC’s registration committee that he is of good character and fit to practice massage therapy.

Penticton Western News