Port Coquitlam photographer captured views of the night sky from Manning Park’s Cascade Lookout. (Jon Ross)

Penticton to host sidewalk stargazing events starting this month

Everyone is invited to gaze into the vast endlessness of space

  • Sep. 9, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Penticton residents will have the opportunity to view the stars in certain neighbourhoods in the upcoming weeks.

Starting Saturday (Sept. 11) Penticton, the Community Foundation of the South Okanagan Similkameen and local astronomers will be setting up telescopes on local sidewalks for anyone to come and gaze into the sky.

On top of the opportunity to look at stars, planets, constellations and galaxies up close, astronomers will be answering questions and teaching the public about the different stars and planets.

Weather permitting, the first event will be held on Saturday at 8 p.m. at Skaha Lake Park.

The events are partially funded by Penticton’s Neighbourhood Small Grants, with limited funding still available for smaller requests until Sept. 17.

The events are free and open to all who wish to attend. Anyone wishing to attend is asked to wear a mask and practice social distancing.

For updates on future dates, times and locations, visit twitter.com/oksidewalkastro or facebook.com/oksidewalkastro. To request an event in your neighbourhood, email socialdevelopment@penticton.ca.

READ MORE: Penticton looks for residents interested in working to create new child care spaces


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