People asked to protect visiting elk

A bull elk has come down from the hills to hang with girls at 100 Mile Ranch for past three falls

A bull elk, estimated to be five or six years old, has returned for the third year to hang out with cows on 100 Mile Ranch property.

A bull elk, estimated to be five or six years old, has returned for the third year to hang out with cows on 100 Mile Ranch property.

A magnificent bull elk has been spotted on 100 Mile Ranch property on the outskirts of 100 Mile House.

While elk are not a common sight in this area of the Cariboo, this particular animal has been hanging around since mid-August and this is the third summer he’s shown up, says ranch manager Greg Messner.

“He’s out there herding the cows. Last year, he showed up for one week in the beginning of September.”

Messner is concerned that the elk might be seen as game for hunters, as he may be visible from the Canim-Hendrix Lake Road, within a couple of kilometres of 100 Mile House.

He wants people to realize this is private land the animal is on and hunting is not permitted. Messner says he hopes that by making its presence known to the public, people will watch out for it and serve as extra eyes for anyone hunting illegally on the property.

“Let’s just respect him and let him do his thing and return to his home in one piece.”

100 Mile House Free Press