Alberni District Secondary School is located on Roger Street in Port Alberni. (GOOGLE)

Person from Alberni high school tests positive for COVID-19

No information released on whether person is student or teacher

  • Nov. 17, 2020 12:00 a.m.

School District 70 (Pacific Rim) is reporting a COVID-19 exposure at Alberni District Secondary School.

A letter from North Island Medical Health Officer Charmaine Enns was sent to parents of students at the school and a copy to media.

The potential exposure occurred Nov. 12-13, 2020. Enns said a member of the school community tested positive for COVID-19 and are isolating. She declined to say whether it was a student, teacher or other staff member.

“Island Health has completed contact tracing to identify any staff and students that need to self-isolate or self-monitor for symptoms,” she wrote in the letter to parents.

Anyone who received the letter from Island Health wasn’t necessarily exposed to COVID-19; it is an informational letter for the school community, she noted.

Staff or students who were exposed and need to self-isolate for 14 days have been contacted, as have those who will be asked to self-monitor for symptoms. Anyone who did not receive a phone call or letter can still attend school and monitor for symptoms as per school policies.

Alberni District Secondary is one of six schools on Vancouver Island with COVID-19 exposures; four others are in Nanaimo and one in Ladysmith.

Nanaimo News Bulletin