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Person suffers burns after fire in temporary structure

The call Oct. 27 was one of seven the Hope Fire Department attended between Oct. 24 and 28

  • Nov. 6, 2020 12:00 a.m.

One person suffered burns as the result of a fire in a temporary shelter that Hope fire crews attended Tuesday, Oct. 27.

Fire chief Tom DeSorcy said the fire was called in around 9 p.m. Tuesday, with someone spotting what they thought was rubbish on fire below a highway overpass in Hope.

“There was a makeshift shelter involving tarps and various pieces of wood and such that was on fire,” DeSorcy said. “There was an individual that was inside the shelter at the time and suffered some burns.”

DeSorcy wasn’t able to say what the extent of the person’s injuries were or whether they went to hospital. He added that it was a close call, as the person may have been sleeping inside the shelter and had a fire going at the time. “They found themselves in a dangerous…could have been a worse situation,” he said.

The call was one of seven incidents fire crews attended between Oct. 24 and 28, which also included medical calls and reports of a rubbish fire at an Emil Anderson Construction lot in Laidlaw. Another fire at Park Avenue in Kawkawa Lake Oct. 24 around 11 a.m. saw crews deal with a pile of textile material on fire near a carport. “It was quickly extinguished without any further damage to the house,” DeSorcy said. “It’s still being investigated as to an actual cause.”

Do you have something to add to this story, or something else we should report on? Email:emelie.peacock@hopestandard.com

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