Personal disaster preparation paramount: fire chief

White Rock emergency official urges residents to prepare for several days on their own in face of major earthquake.

White Rock residents are urged to have several days' worth of water, food and medication in the event of a major earthquake.

White Rock residents are urged to have several days' worth of water, food and medication in the event of a major earthquake.

Last week’s 4.3 magnitude earthquake serves as a good reminder for residents to be prepared, the head of White Rock’s fire department said this week.

Ensuring you have supplies to last you a minimum of 72 hours – or up to seven days – is of the utmost importance, fire Chief Phil Lemire said.

Supplies should include an adequate amount of water, food and any medication you may require to last several days, plus flashlights and extra batteries and a first aid kit.

Lemire said while the city has an emergency response plan in place for a variety of scenarios, including a major earthquake, response procedures will vary depending on specifics of the disaster.

“There isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution for all emergencies,” Lemire explained, noting officials will use whatever means are available to communicate with residents in the event of a disaster, from social media, to radio broadcasts or even going door-to-door.

“The reality is, people should be as prepared as they can to be as independent as they can, because in a major incident, regardless of where you are, emergency services are going to be overwhelmed,” Lemire said.

For a comprehensive preparedness guide, visit

Peace Arch News