Peter Gzowski literacy-golf event coming to Haida Gwaii

  • May. 7, 2012 3:00 p.m.

Submitted by Being Favreau-What does golfing have in common with literacy? Everything, if it is the Peter Gzowski Invitational for Literacy.The PGI for Literacy was founded in 1986 by Peter Gzowski, the award-winning CBC broadcaster and journalist. Mr. Gzowski began raising funds for literacy through an annual golf tournament. His goals were to raise much-needed resources for the thousands of adult learners who struggle with the challenge of low literacy, and have a lot of fun in the process. Mr. Gzowski once said, “The PGIs bring together so much that matters to me: friends, laughter, poetry, music – all playing to make a better world.”Held annually in every province and territory, the PGIs have raised more than $12 million since 1986. These funds directly support literacy initiatives in the provinces and territories where the PGIs are held.Literacy Haida Gwaii was successful in its discussion with the National PGI and will be hosting the event on Haida Gwaii in summer of 2013. The date is tentatively set for June 1 and 2. As a not-for-profit society, Literacy Haida Gwaii runs programs to assist adult learners in their upgrading of reading, math and basic computer skills. We also support local literacy initiatives from various agencies. The funds generated from the PGI in 2013 will enable us to continue running quality programs to address literacy gaps and support local organizations within our communities.In preparation for this big event, we want to hear from you. Which Canadian celebrity would you like to see invited to play golf on the island? They need not be professional golfers but can be celebrities from the worlds of sport, television, radio, music or even Canadian Olympians. It does not even matter if they play golf or not. So, who do you have in mind – Steve Nash, Brent Butt, Rick Hansen, Daniel and Henrik Sedin, Stuart McLean, Arcade Fire, K’naan or Jian Ghomeshi? Let us have your wish list.What? You don’t know how to swing the golf club? Then how about helping with the organization of the event? Besides hosting a golf tournament, we will also feature an island-wide fringe event plus an evening of music, poetry and celebration of adult learning achievements. Volunteers are definitely needed in several areas of preparation. Contact Beng at 250-559-8398 if you have ideas for golf celebrities, or want to be involved in the organizing committee or contribute ideas for the musical events.We are also looking for in-kind support or partnerships within the community. This can be in the areas of providing accommodation or travel for our off-island guests, auction prizes, food provision or use of venues. If you can help in any of these areas, please call Beng to discuss partnerships.

Haida Gwaii Observer