Friends and family members of the five men who died when a crane collapsed in downtown Kelowna on July 12 were joined by hundreds of people for a vigil that was hosted Friday, July 16, near the site of the collapse. (Aaron Hemens/Capital News)

Petition looks to convert Kelowna property near crane collapse site to memorial park

'We believe this would be much better and appropriate use and more fitting than allowing another tower to go up'

  • Aug. 20, 2021 12:00 a.m.

More than a dozen people have signed a petition asking that the City of Kelowna convert the property, near the site of the deadly crane collapse downtown, to a memorial park and green space that honours the victims.

“We the undersigned are petitioning you the city, to designate the vacant property of 1464/1468 Bertram Street FOREVER as a MEMORIAL PARK AND GREEN SPACE to the five young men who died in the tragic CRANE ACCIDENT of July 12th, 2021,” reads the petition, which is posted at a makeshift memorial for the victims located on the corner of Bertram Street and Bernard Avenue.

“We believe this would be much better and appropriate use and more fitting than allowing another tower to go up.”

More than a dozen people have signed a petition asking that the City of Kelowna convert property near the site of the deadly crane collapse in downtown Kelowna to a memorial park and green space that honours the victims. (Aaron Hemens/Capital News)

READ MORE: Multiple deaths reported after ‘catastrophic’ crane collapse in Kelowna

In an email to Capital News, the City of Kelowna said that while it’s a noble idea to pay tribute to the men who lost their lives at that site, the city doesn’t have the authority to meet the petition’s demands.

“…Because it is a private property we do not have the authority to designate it as a memorial site,” stated the city.

While Mission Group real estate owns the construction site of the future Brooklyn building where the collapse occurred, they said in an email that they do not own the addresses referenced in the petition.

“We continue to feel the impacts of that day along with the many members of our community and the families,” said Mission Group. “We are supportive of efforts to suitably and publicly establish memorials to those lost, in a manner that is feasible.”

On July 12, crews were working to dismantle a crane when it collapsed and killed four construction workers and a man working in a nearby office. Several properties in the area were ordered evacuated as a result.

READ MORE: WorksafeBC returns deadly Kelowna crane collapse site to Mission Group

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