Petition: Minister asked to include all of Area D in referendum

A petition with 673 names on it was given to North Island MLA Claire Trevena who delivered it to the provincial Legislature March 27

Area D residents opposed to Campbell River amalgamating with the northern portion of their district used another tool in their political belt last week.

A petition with 673 names on it was given to North Island MLA Claire Trevena who delivered it to the provincial Legislature March 27.

The petition was coordinated by Area D resident Malcolm Wilson and a committee of regional district residents opposed to Campbell River’s plan to hold a referendum and, if passed, extend sewer services to an area of higher density just south of the city’s boundaries.

“The petition requests a fair process,” Wilson said. “What Area D residents have been subject to until now can hardly be described as fair, with misinformation and innuendo rife in our community.

“Changes seem to happen weekly to the so-called offer for which we have yet to hear any evidence supporting the public health and environment problem said to be present and in urgent need of fixing.”

The petition states that “We, the undersigned citizens of electoral area D of the Strathcona Regional District, call upon the Hon. Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development (Coralee Oakes) to uphold our stated wishes in our community plan that we do not wish to be governed by the city of Campbell River for any reason.

“Further to that, with respect to the city of Campbell River’s proposal for a boundary extension of our properties in northern area D, we request that the minister uphold her promise to our regional representative on September 20, 2013, and that a referendum will be offered to the whole of northern Area D.

“We request that such referendum be administered by a provincial returning officer on our behalf.”

Trevena said this is “very much a long-running issue” and that she wants to ensure that all sides of the issue are heard.

“I would like it to be that people’s wishes are heard,” she said.

Campbell River Mirror