Phone scammers targetting your computer

Last week several area residents received a phone call from someone claiming they were from Windows and they were warning people of a computer virus.

Last week several area residents received a phone call from someone claiming they were from Windows and they were warning people of a computer virus.

They said they were calling because they had detected a virus in the Windows program and that people who used this program were in jeopardy of losing their computers. They also said it wouldn’t take long to fix it but they needed access to the individuals computer to install software to prevent the virus.

For anyone who didn’t hang up at this point, they could be in jeopardy, warned the RCMP, internet providers and the Better Business Bureau, who issued a warning to hang up with anyone who calls with a similar story.

Those who do fall victim could be at risk of their personal information being stolen and stand to lose hundreds of dollars.

Police in Alberta said in a GlobalTV news report that the scam originates from a call centre in India and some victims have been charged up to $500.

While several Hazelton residents reported getting the phone call last week, the RCMP are urging people to never give out personal information over the phone or allow someone to access your computer.

If someone does receive a similar phone call they are also urged to contact the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre or visit their website to learn more.

Smithers Interior News