Photo shoots to raise awareness for food bank needs

Photographer will provide personal photo shoots for a $25 donation to a local food bank

A local photographer is donating her time to help raise from for local food banks.

A local photographer is donating her time to help raise from for local food banks.

When Claire Reid heard that Abbotsford’s food bank was lacking supplies to fill its shelves, she decided to launch an “awareness campaign” to help encourage more people to donate.

“Donations are down this year and I think as a community we should come together and do what we can.”

Reid, a photographer, has offered up 45-minute photography sessions for $25, but instead of paying her, clients must make the check out to their food bank of choice.

Reid said it’s just one way she can help raise awareness about the necessity of assisting local food banks. As a volunteer at Abbotsford Community Services, which operates Abbotsford’s food bank, Reid hopes some of the money ends up in the community, but “the need for food is everywhere.”

Reid specializes in fantasy photography, dressing clients from an assortment of gowns and costumes and shooting them in scenic locations, editing them into fantastic backgrounds – such as castles – that she has photographed overseas. Reid will also offer basic portrait sessions based on the client’s wishes. The food bank donation will cover the session and clients can decide whether they’d like to order prints. Regardless of whether they order prints, they can see an online slideshow of the images that the client can view.

For more information, contact Reid at 604-773-0935 or visit

Abbotsford News