Photogenic properties

BC Assessment launches an initiative to photograph Rossland homes.

A BC Assessment initiative will photograph Rossland street fronts during August.

A clearly-marked van with digital cameras mounted inside will take photos of approximately 1,819 single family homes in Rossland. The photos will then be used for property assessment.

The purpose of the initiative is to speed up the assessment process, and make it more cost effective. The technology has already been successfully used in several British Columbia communities.

As the Crown corporation responsible for accurately valuing all properties in B.C. and continually serving as a leading source of the province’s property information, we are always looking for innovative ways to provide more timely, accurate, equitable and fair assessments to all property owners,” Rod Ravenstein, deputy assessor for the Kootenay Columbia region, said in a press release.

To protect residents’ privacy, BC Assessment will not keep any personal information related to image of people on the property, any visible signage (except the street address), or the inside of any building on the property.


Rossland News