Americans make their way to the Canadian border after the federal government said it would allow fully vaccinated Americans to cross the Canada-U.S. border. (Aaron Hinks photo)

PHOTOS: Cars line up at Peace Arch as Canada reopens border, U.S. remains closed

Hundreds of Americans line up to enter Canada, the southbound lane was virtually empty

Americans were streaming into Canada Monday morning now that the border is open for fully vaccinated Americans.

Canadians, however, are not allowed to cross the U.S. land border unless it’s for essential business.

After 17 months, a ban on non-essential travel across the Canada-U.S. border was eased at midnight, although the Americans have yet to lift their own limits on Canadian travellers.

Eligible visitors must live in the U.S. and have allowed 14 days to pass since receiving a full course of a Health Canada-approved vaccine.

RELATED: Despite Delta variant, Canada welcomes back fully vaxxed U.S. citizens, permanent residents

They are also required to show proof of a negative molecular test for COVID-19 that’s no more than 72 hours old and to use the ArriveCAN app or online web portal to upload their vaccination details.

Fully vaccinated travellers who have recovered from the disease and are otherwise eligible to enter Canada can show proof of a positive molecular test taken between 14 and 90 days prior to crossing the border.

While CBSA is reporting on its website that there’s “no delay” to enter Canada from the U.S., the Washington State Department of Transportation is reporting wait times of about two hours. A couple hundred cars were lined up at the border Monday morning.

While an American father Peace Arch News spoke to at the border said he was excited to cross into Surrey to visit his daughter, others on the Canadian side have mixed feelings about the reopening.

“Given the uptick in delta variant, I’m not thrilled. But it had to happen eventually,” Theresa Rider wrote on the PAN Facebook page. “Families and loved ones have been separated for more than a year, and air travel is already allowed.”

“If fully vaccinated and checked validity of claim, yes,” Behrad Sadoughian wrote. “There should be a high fine for lying.”

The U.S., for its part, has remained mum on when it might begin to ease its own restrictions on non-essential Canadian travellers at land crossings. Air and sea travellers are exempt, though passengers by rail, ferry and pleasure boat are not.

– With files from Canadian Press

aaron.hinks@peacearchnews.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

Peace Arch News


A woman reads a newspaper while waiting in line at the Peace Arch border crossing Monday. (Aaron Hinks photo)

Americans make their way to the Canadian border after the federal government said it would allow fully vaccinated Americans to cross the Canada-U.S. border. (Aaron Hinks photo)

A family waits to cross the Canadian border at the Peace Arch crossing Monday. (Aaron Hinks photo)

People wait in line to cross the Canadian border at the Peace Arch crossing Monday. (Aaron Hinks photo)

Americans make their way to the Canadian border after the federal government said it would allow fully vaccinated Americans to cross the Canada-U.S. border. (Aaron Hinks photo)

Americans make their way to the Canadian border after the federal government said it would allow fully vaccinated Americans to cross the Canada-U.S. border. (Aaron Hinks photo)