Normally they would have done a ground breaking, but the Sooke Library is already well under construction, so the people who made it all happen did a gravel toss instead. Left: Coun. Dana Lajeunesse, cCoun. Al Beddows, architect Juanito Gulmatico, Vancouver Island Regional Library executive director Rosemary Bonanno, Coun. Jeff Bateman, Mayor Maja Tait and project manager Eric Cusimano. (Zoe Ducklow/News Staff)

PHOTOS: Dignitaries don hardhats to tour Sooke library under construction

They couldn't do the groundbreaking, so they did a mid-construction gravel toss

  • Jun. 30, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Construction on the new library in Sooke is well in hand and expected to be finished by early November when it will be handed over to the Vancouver Island Regional Library teams to fill up the shelves. They expect the new library to be ready for readers next spring, 2022.

Normally the people who made it happen would have done a ceremonial groundbreaking, but since the ground was already broken they settled for a gravel toss on June 30.

Some of the Sooke council met with Vancouver Island Regional Library staff, the building architect and project manager for a group photo and tour of the facility.

The circular building is inspired by the cross-section of a tree, architect Juanito Gulmatico said, adding that it’s also functional. Placing the circulation desk in the centre of the main room gives librarians a clear sightline around the space, lets in light and draws visitors in.

ALSO READ: Sooke library project trimmed to meet budget

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Mayor Maja Tait and Coun. Jeff Bateman toured Sooke’s new library, which is expected to be completed in early November. (Zoe Ducklow/News Staff)