One-on-one battles at the fourth annual Clash of Crews at Newton Recreation Centre on Saturday (Feb. 8, 2020). (Photo: Lauren Collins)

One-on-one battles at the fourth annual Clash of Crews at Newton Recreation Centre on Saturday (Feb. 8, 2020). (Photo: Lauren Collins)

PHOTOS: Dozens of Surrey youth compete in annual breaking battle

Clash of Crews draws in crowd of dancers, parents

Dozens of dancers turned out at the Newton Recreation Centre Saturday (Feb. 8) for the fourth annual Clash of Crews breaking battle.

The event had two categories: all-ages three-versus-three or youth one-versus-one.

The afternoon event included prizes as well.

READ ALSO: Dancers battle it out at Surrey’s first Street Dance Showcase, June 29, 2019

lauren.collins@surreynowleader.comLike us on Facebook Follow us on Instagram and follow Lauren on Twitter

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