Brush pile burning for the Parkway Bend prescribed burn, in Mt. Revelstoke National Park, Sept. 10, 2020. (Submitted/Parks Canada)

Brush pile burning for the Parkway Bend prescribed burn, in Mt. Revelstoke National Park, Sept. 10, 2020. (Submitted/Parks Canada)

PHOTOS: Parkway Bend prescribed burn ignited Sept. 11

The fire in Mt. Revelstoke National Park was visible from the city and the Trans Canada Highway

  • Sep. 15, 2020 12:00 a.m.

The Parkway Bend prescribed burn was ignited Sept. 11 and burned 45 hectares of the 150 hectare prescribed area in Mt. Revelstoke National Park.

According to a news release from Parks Canada, burning 30 per cent of the area was the target.

READ MORE: Prescribed burn in Mt. Revelstoke National Park ignited today

Sept. 11 and 12 had clear skies and good smoke venting conditions for the prescribed fire. Weather and forest fuel conditions kept the fire small and low intensity, said the news release.

Smoke from the fires in the USA rolled in on Sunday, however visibility was still good for the mop up on Sunday, including perimeter monitoring and removal of hazards along the Meadows in the Sky Parkway.

The summit of Mt. Revelstoke reopened at noon on Sept. 15.

The primary goal of the fire is to create a landscape-level fuel break, limiting the potential spread of wildfire on the front face of Mount Revelstoke.

The fire will also improve forest health, according to a news release from Parks Canada.

Prescribed burns are conducted under exacting conditions which include weather, moisture, wind direction and supporting resources and will only go forward when the safety of the public, fire crews, infrastructure and neighbouring lands can be assured.


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