Photos: Reader on the scene after whale stranded at White Rock Beach

Cloverdale Reporter reader Marlene Delcort went to White Rock's East Beach hoping to help rescue a stranded baby whale this morning.

Crowds gather around the carcass of a stranded humpback whale at White Rock beach.

Crowds gather around the carcass of a stranded humpback whale at White Rock beach.

Cloverdale Reporter reader Marlene Delcort went to White Rock’s East Beach hoping to help rescue a stranded baby whale this morning.

Sadly, the emaciated juvenile humpback had succumbed by the time Delcourt arrived on the scene.

She was able to take photographs, and she shared some of those with us.

The cause of death has not yet been determined, but it appears there are lacerations and open wounds on the whale, which was wrapped in fishing line.

The whale was spotted on the sand sometime after 5 a.m. It appears to have died sometime after that. around 9 a.m., officials set up a perimeter around the carcass, which drew hundreds of onlookers. Some paid their respects by placing flowers on the whale’s head.

Members of the Semiahmoo First Nation performed an honour song and blessing for the whale.

Cloverdale Reporter