Pianos needed for painted program

Oak Bay arts laureate seeks three pianos for famed local artists to paint alongside students

The piano painted by artist Deryk Houston and his young helpers at Monterey middle school was among those dotting the Oak Bay landscape as public art in 2014.

The piano painted by artist Deryk Houston and his young helpers at Monterey middle school was among those dotting the Oak Bay landscape as public art in 2014.

In order for the public to ‘tickle the ivories’ across Oak Bay this summer, arts laureate Barbara Adams must first find cost-effective pianos to act as canvasses.

The pianos program continues its second summer this year, with hopes of three donated pianos making their way into Oak Bay’s three public schools for famed local artists to paint alongside students.

Like last year, they would then dot the landscape of Oak Bay for public play.

“I’m looking for an upright, old, working-condition piano,” Adams said. “I really like community connections.”

What better connection than getting a piano, tucked away in an Oak Bay home and offering it up for the community to play. A donated piano would net the owner a tax receipt for the value of the instrument.

A contentious location at Foul Bay Road and Oak Bay Avenue – where late-night noise created community concern – will not feature a piano this year, Adams said.

The sculpture portion of last year’s program looks to be greatly extended with new sites under scrutiny and the call for sculptures rolling in.

Anyone interested in donating paint to the cause should call Adams at 250-686-2272 or email barbaraadams@shaw.ca.





Oak Bay News