Pickleballers getting some help

Comox agrees to split cost on feasibility review

  • Apr. 30, 2015 5:00 a.m.

Erin Haluschak

Record Staff

Working their way out of a pickle, Comox council agreed to meet the Comox Valley Pickleball Association halfway last week, to support a feasibility review of creating a permanent site at Highland Park.

Earlier this month, Steve Chambers, representing the association, asked council to consider the development of an outdoor court in Comox.

Prior to the meeting, the town’s parks department met with members of the group at Highland Park to examine a piece of land immediately adjacent to the roller hockey box.

The land is currently leased by the town from School District 71.

In his report to council, Parks Superintendent Al Fraser noted the $4,000 field survey would also include a geotechnical report and construction cost analysis.

Coun. Ken Grant expressed his concerns if the town were to fully fund the survey.

“It sends the wrong message if every time someone comes (to council) and asks for something, we’ll do it. I don’t have a problem with what they want to do, but in terms of our process, it’s not the way we should do it,” he said, and suggested council defer the expenditure authorization to the 2016 financial plan.

Coun. Barbara Price noted she fully suggested the town funding the review, as “it’s just to explore, and there’s no other commitment at this point. The information would be useful.”

Mayor Paul Ives presented the option to council about sharing the cost of the feasibility study 50/50 with the group, with each side supporting it with $2,000.

“It sends the message that we’ll support it if they support it,” he added.

The motion was amended to cost-share the review, which passed unanimously.


Comox Valley Record