LAKE TRAIL MIDDLE SCHOOL students Bernadette Enriquez, Hailee Jones and Madison Collins (from left) gear up for the school's new 'pie-filled' food drive.

LAKE TRAIL MIDDLE SCHOOL students Bernadette Enriquez, Hailee Jones and Madison Collins (from left) gear up for the school's new 'pie-filled' food drive.

Pies enticing donations to Comox Valley Food Bank

Getting a pie in the face isn't always simply about making others laugh — it can be for a good cause, too.

Getting a pie in the face isn’t always simply about making others laugh — it can be for a good cause, too.

Lake Trail Middle School started a new food drive Friday, in which students receive a ticket in a draw for every food item they contribute.

The prizes up for grabs? The chance to squish a pie into the face of the school staff member of their choice.

“The students are pretty excited,” organizing teacher Grant Taylor said Friday, noting he’s already heard certain staff member names being spoken in the school hallways.

“There’s been a number of items already brought in, and teachers are even bringing stuff so they get their opportunity to get even with someone else, I think,” he adds with a laugh. “It’s all good natured, and the bigger cause is the fact we need to support these folks (in need) in our community.”

Non-perishable donations will be collected until Dec. 6 in the two-week food drive. All donations will go to the Comox Valley Food Bank.

“At the end of the two weeks we’re having an awards assembly for academics and then we’re going to draw the tickets out of the bin, so the more items they bring in, the more chances they have of winning,” says Grant.

“We’re going to have 30 pies so there’s 30 chances of the kids winning, so there could be 30 different teachers or staff members, or it could end up being one (staff member), or some teachers might get it multiple times.”

This food drive is separate from Coast Realty Group’s annual Christmas Hamper Program, in which Comox Valley students bring food items to their schools to contribute to the hamper program. Grant says the school will start collecting food donations for the Christmas Hamper Program after the new food drive is finished.

The public is invited to join in the new food drive as well. Anyone who wishes to donate — minus the ticket for the pie-in-the-face draw — is welcome to drop off non-perishable food donations at Lake Trail Middle School (805 Willemar Ave. in Courtenay).

Students are encouraged to canvass their neighbourhoods for the food, rather than simply pulling food out of their own cupboards at home, adds Taylor. The aim is to draw donations from grandparents, friends or neighbours who aren’t already donating food to the Coast Realty Group Christmas Hamper Program, and to involve the greater community in the initiative.

“We’re just trying to increase the awareness and increase the size of it, and make this an ongoing tradition at Lake Trail,” says Taylor. “Hopefully we grow this every year and it gets bigger and bigger, and we take it outside Lake Trail.”


Comox Valley Record