Pill-laced hot dogs found near Headquarters Road

Comox Valley SPCA warning pet owners to keep a close eye on their dogs and livestock

COMOX VALLEY SPCA is warning pet owners to be extra careful in rural areas after a dog walker found pill-laced hot dogs on the side of the road near Headquarters and Edwin roads.

COMOX VALLEY SPCA is warning pet owners to be extra careful in rural areas after a dog walker found pill-laced hot dogs on the side of the road near Headquarters and Edwin roads.

The Comox Valley SPCA is warning dog owners to keep a close eye on their pets after pill-laced hot dogs were found near Headquarters and Edwin roads.

Wednesday, B.C. SPCA Nanaimo & District Branch Manager Leon Davis said a dog walker found the hot dogs and brought them to the attention of the organization, who has alerted the Comox Valley RCMP.

“We don’t what the pills are, but we’re hoping a pharmacist might be able to help us,” he explained.

“Obviously, there’s a huge concern if there’s more.”

Davis said one person has reported his dog has not been feeling well, adding there were signs posted around the area without a name or phone number expressing displeasure with a dog who has been roaming and disturbing livestock.

“Whoever wrote the sign, we’re thinking might have some knowledge of this and we do actually have a lead of the name of a person and we’ve passed that on to the RCMP who have opened a file and have contacted this person and will hopefully be able to bring this to a resolution.”

He noted the SPCA is concerned there might be more poisoned hot dogs around the area.

“There could be something that could risk not only their dogs, but children and wildlife.”

Davis said if a dog or animal became sick, particularly if the animal died, there could be charges under the criminal code.


Comox Valley Record