Around 60 people gathered at Sunoka Beach and at the Summerland sign for a demonstration on Saturday in opposition to a proposed oil pipeline.  Similar demonstrations were held across the province on Saturday.

Around 60 people gathered at Sunoka Beach and at the Summerland sign for a demonstration on Saturday in opposition to a proposed oil pipeline. Similar demonstrations were held across the province on Saturday.

Pipeline demonstration held in Summerland

Summerlanders concerned about the risks from pipelines and oil sands expansion gathered as Sunoka Beach on Saturday.

Summerlanders concerned about the risks from pipelines and oil sands expansion gathered as Sunoka Beach on Saturday.

Around 60 people took part in the demonstration.

Don Gayton, speaking to the participants, said he was pleased to see people getting involved in a public issue.

“I think it’s an incredibly important thing to do,” he said. “The pipeline is the biggest climate issue we will face in our lifetime.”

Gayton said oil-related discussions are difficult because the entire population depends on oil.

“Our petroleum drug of choice is becoming more and more expensive,” he said. “With petroleum, we’re all junkies.”

The rally  at noon was part of a national event, Defend Our Climate, Defend Our Communities, to show the risk from pipelines and oil sands expansion.

Rallies were also held at offices of federal politicians.

Erin Carlson, local organizer of the event, said the event was intended to show support for environmental protection. “The people of this country are paying attention,” she said “All we can do is keep trying.”

While a proposed pipeline from the Alberta oil sands to the B.C. coast does not pass through Summerland, Carlson said the pipeline still affects the community and the region.

“It affects us just as much as it’s going to affect everyone else,” she said.

She added that a recent poll from the University of Montreal shows a majority of Canadians want the federal government to take stronger action on climate change.


Summerland Review