Pipeline panned

AFTER MUCH discussion, the Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine board voted to oppose the Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline.

  • Sep. 16, 2012 9:00 a.m.

AFTER MUCH discussion, the Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine board voted to oppose the Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline at its Sept. 14 meeting.

The motion to oppose was brought forward by Telegraph Creek director David Brocklebank at the August meeting and was tabled to allow the other directors time to consult with their constituents.

Voting in favour of the motion were Brocklebank, Dease Lake alternate director Joey Waite, Terrace municipal directors Dave Pernarowski and Bruce Bidgood, Nass director (and regional district chair) Harry Nyce, Hazelton mayor Alice Maitland, Kispiox/Kitwanga director Linda Pierre and Diana Penner (who was sitting in for absent regular director Doug McLeod) for the area around Terrace. Voting against the motion were Thornhill director Ted Ramsey, Kitimat municipal director Corinne Scott, New Hazelton mayor Gail Lowry and Stewart municipal director Billie Ann Belcher.

During the discussion, Scott said she would vote against the motion because a federal project panel review would look at everything presented to it and supporting the panel was absolutely necessary. “Voting against it is to oppose the political process and I feel strongly we have to allow the [Joint Review Panel] to complete its findings,” she said.

Bidgood said the review was supposed to be independent and not political and that he had been greatly influenced by the prime minister and federal finance minister supporting the project. “What attracted me to northern B.C. was its beauty,” he said. “If there was an environmental [disaster], I would have a hard time looking at the next generation and saying I didn’t do anything to oppose it.”

Ted Ramsey agreed with Scott, saying his constituents wanted him to remain neutral. Brocklebank said he had yet to talk to anyone who supported the pipeline project.

Terrace Standard