Pitches made for rec facilities operation

Management review gets underway for facilities such as Wesbild Centre and recreation complex

It’s unknown how Greater Vernon’s recreation amenities will ultimately be operated.

Representatives from Vernon, Coldstream and the electoral areas met Thursday to review management of facilities like Wesbild Centre and the recreation complex.

“Hopefully we’re open enough to listen to all options and plan a model that addresses concerns,” said Mike Macnabb, BX-Silver Star director.

At this point, two possibilities have surfaced: the Regional District of North Okanagan taking on direct management and operation or the city providing the service under a contract.

Currently, RDNO administers the facilities but they are operated by the city under contract. A lack of clarity over responsibilities has led to some conflict.

“The status quo is not sustainable,” said Jim Garlick, Coldstream director.

Through an inter-municipal agreement, the city would manage all matters with the facilities.

“It may be more responsive to the public,” said Garlick.

He added that a level of bureaucracy would be removed as there would be a more direct decision-making process.

“It would be similar to how emergency services and the fire training centre are handled. There is a board that would provide direction to the manager.”

The other option would see RDNO continue with management, but also take over operations on a day-to-day basis.

“Will the city go along with the regional district running all of the facilities?” asked Garlick.

However, Vernon director Rob Sawatzky says the city is not tied to any particular scenario.

“We are trying to keep the options open. That’s the whole point of discussions,” he said.

“We want to provide a cost-efficient, effective service. We want the model to be responsive to governance and what the community wants.”

Macnabb admits the city’s interests need to be considered because it pays much of the function’s costs.

“They are the dominant partner so we need to make sure they are happy,” he said.

The goal is to have an agreement on management structure before the summer.

“I would like to have it well before June but democracy is not always the quickest,” said Sawatzky.

It must also be determined if any agreement will just cover sports and recreation or if cultural facilities will be included.



Vernon Morning Star