Pitt council defers on arena

  • Feb. 24, 2011 5:00 a.m.

Pitt Meadows council have asked staff to figure out the best way to cover a shortfall of cash needed to complete an upgrade of the city’s hockey arena.Unforeseen repairs to shore up piles under the arena have delayed completion of the first phase of the project at least until June, driving up construction costs to $6.8 million from a previous $5.3 million.The first of three upgrade phases was initially scheduled to be complete by the end of March. The entire project is expected to take place over five years.City director of finance Dean Rear says long term borrowing is probably the best way to cover the increase costs. The city needs to find at least another $1.5 million.“It is one of the most well-used facilities in the community,” said Rear, to report in a couple of weeks. “Causing some short-term pain by gutting your reserves or carving back planned projects may not make the most sense.”

Maple Ridge News