Pitt Meadows council sets its to-do list

Mayor John Becker presented Four Year Action Table

Pitt Meadows council has developed a to-do list with more than 80 items on it.

Mayor John Becker presented the “Council Four Year Action Table” to his council colleagues on Jan. 13.

He and Chief Administrative Officer Kim Grout are going through the schedule of meetings for the entire four-year term, and “plugging in these items.”

They include “Review election sign bylaw,” “Review how we do economic development,” and “Zero increase in city spending for 2015.”

Becker noted that the schedule will not be too tight, allowing room for unknown issues that arise.

Coun. Janis Elkerton said it was the first time she had seen such an initiative in her seven terms on council, and called it a “refreshing” change.

“Usually we’re fed our agendas by staff,” she noted.

Council later issued a press release about the document, explaining that the issues in it arose during the election.

“As a council, we felt that it is important to be able to go back to tell our constituents that their voices were heard, and that all of those issues will be reviewed by council during our term,” said Becker. “That is not to say that all of these issues will receive majority Council approval to move action.”

In another organizational move, council will turn one of its two monthly council  committee meetings – which are used for background and discussion – to a regular council meeting where bylaws can be passed.

“To add more horsepower,” said Coun. Bruce Bell.

“Or bigger bandwidth,” agreed Becker.

Councillors who supported the motion noted that council has too often gone over issues twice – once at committee, and again at council – duplicating the same work.


Maple Ridge News