Seniors enjoy an outdoor concert and dance party outside the Pitt Meadows Seniors Activity Centre in June. (The News files).

Seniors enjoy an outdoor concert and dance party outside the Pitt Meadows Seniors Activity Centre in June. (The News files).

Pitt Meadows seniors centre re-opening for select programs

Extra cleaning, limited participants part of new health protocols

  • Aug. 26, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Pitt Meadows Seniors Centre is welcoming members back for select programs and activities starting Tuesday, Sept. 8.

Run by Ridge Meadows Seniors Society, the centre aims to connect adults 55 years and older with a happy and healthy life by providing activities from fitness and dance classes to snooker, pool and card games.

The centre closed on March 17 for regular activities, programs, and services due to COVID-19.

Even though doors were closed, staff and volunteers redesigned some services to continue offering seniors support with medical appointments, grocery shopping, and maintaining connections.

“We are very proud of the support that the Pitt Meadows Seniors Centre has continued to provide one of our most vulnerable populations while its doors have been closed,” said Mayor Bill Dingwall.

“We are pleased to invite Pitt Meadows seniors to safely return to their favourite activities at the centre.”

SEE ALSO VIDEO: Pitt Meadows seniors enjoy outdoor dance party for Seniors Week

“The safety of the members, guests, and staff is of utmost importance with this re-opening,” said the city’s chief administrative officer Mark Roberts.

“We are confident that with the policies and procedures in place that we can safely allow people back to the centre.”

In addition to extra cleaning, new guidelines and procedures include:

• The number of persons allowed in the facility will be limited for each activity based on the space being used.

• Physical distancing measures will be in place such as one-way directional traffic flow and designated entrance and exit doors.

• Activities will be available by pre-registration only, drop-ins will not be permitted.

• Activity start times will be staggered to ensure minimum traffic and allow time for disinfecting between activities.

• Members will be required to check in and answer health questions, sanitize hands, and provide contact information for potential contact tracing.

• Face masks will be encouraged and plexiglass will be used where physical distancing cannot be guaranteed.

• The coffee shop will remain closed and in-house meals will not be available, but take-out meals will continue.

• If a guest has recently travelled outside the country and has not cleared 14 days of self-quarantine or is experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms or has had contact with someone who has COVID-19 like symptoms, they will not be permitted to enter the Centre.

For more information, including operating hours, people can visit


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