A slash pile near Williams Lake. (Monica Lamb Yorski photo)

Planned ignitions to begin this week near community forest in Cranbrook

Smoke may be visible in and around the city for a few days

  • Nov. 18, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Smoke may be visible in and around Cranbrook for the next few days as contractors will be burning slash piles near the Community Forest.

The City of Cranbrook said that a number of slash piles located adjacent to the Community Forest along Baker Mountain Road are scheduled to be burned starting as early as today (Wednesday), provided the venting index is favourable.

Localized smoke may be visible because of the slash pile burning. The City says residents should not be alarmed as these are planned ignitions and are an important component of fuel mitigation happening around the community.

Contractors are overseeing the operations and have notified the Fire Department.

READ MORE: Worry not, fires in New Lake area of Cranbrook are planned ignitions, says City

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