Former student Phyllis Webstad (left), School District 27 Supt. Mark Thiessen, CRD chair Al Richmond, Mayor Kerry Cook, Esk’etemc Chief Fred Robbins and facilitator Harold Tarbell announced details of the St. Joseph’s Mission Residential School Commemorative Project in Boitanio Park Wednesday.

Former student Phyllis Webstad (left), School District 27 Supt. Mark Thiessen, CRD chair Al Richmond, Mayor Kerry Cook, Esk’etemc Chief Fred Robbins and facilitator Harold Tarbell announced details of the St. Joseph’s Mission Residential School Commemorative Project in Boitanio Park Wednesday.

Planning committee announces series of events residential school commemorative project

Residential school commemorative project will create awareness and recognition of experiences in the Cariboo.

  • Apr. 24, 2013 11:00 a.m.

On Wednesday the planning committee for the St. Joseph’s Mission Residential School Commemoration Project announced a series of events and initiatives that will take place in April and May to commemorate and create awareness and recognition of the residential school experience in the Cariboo.

The project aims to encourage, support and engage in a shared First Nations and non-First Nations dialogue on how to achieve reconciliation and support efforts by all those affected by the legacy of this residential school as they continue on their personal healing journey.

Two monuments will be unveiled  — one at the St. Joseph Mission site and one in Boitanio Park.



Williams Lake Tribune