The owners of a 4.16 hectare (10.3 acre) parcel in Gleneden at 821 60th St. NW would like rezone it from A2, rural holding zone to A3, small holding zone in order to subdivide it into two lots to accommodate a family member. (City of Salmon Arm image)

Plans underway to divide rural 10-acre Salmon Arm property into two lots

Proposal would allow mother to give Gleneden property to son

A plan to divide a 10-acre lot in Gleneden into two parcels received a preliminary nod from Salmon Arm council.

An application to rezone a parcel at 821 60th St. NW from A2, rural holding zone, to A3, small holding, to facilitate a two-lot subdivision came to the city’s June 7 development and planning meeting.

City staff noted that Gleneden is the only area where rural subdivision is allowed, and the parcel is well-suited to be divided in half.

Although a small sliver of the land is located in the Agricultural Land Reserve, the staff report said it is insignificant to the Agricultural Land Commission.

The meeting heard from co-owner Susan Dobie who said she wanted to divide the lot so one of her sons could build a house. She said buying in Salmon Arm is unaffordable now.

The property currently contains a single-family residence and two accessory buildings. In addition to residential use, the property is being used for agriculture, including cropland and some limited cattle rearing. The application states the property owner plans to continue to use the site for cropland.

The property has an existing driveway on Eighth Avenue NW and no further access is being proposed at this stage. The city’s engineering department has noted that direct access to 60 Street NW will not be permitted.

Coun. Chad Eliason said he has no problem with the rezoning, but referred to another rezoning in Gleneden where an applicant requested not having to do road upgrades. Planning staff said the staff report outlines servicing requirements and the applicant is aware of them. Eliason said he just wanted to make sure the applicant knows.

On June 14, the rezoning will undergo first and second reading and a public hearing will be held during council’s June 28 evening meeting.

Read more: 2020 – Approval of second home on agricultural land surprises Salmon Arm council

Read more: New video promotes Salmon Arm staples of agriculture, food production

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