Gardens in Barriere come in all sizes and designs. (Jill Hayward photo)

Gardens in Barriere come in all sizes and designs. (Jill Hayward photo)

Plant veggies and enter Barriere Blooms contest

Victory Garden theme gets residents in the dirt

District of Barriere Councillor Donna Kibble reports that the Barriere Blooms contest for 2020 is already off to a good start.

“We’ve had our first entry already,” tells Kibble, “People probably don’t need to let us know right now as gardens are just getting started and entries can wait until the middle of July, but it is nice to know there is interest this early.”

The theme and criteria for the annual Barriere Blooms contest and rules was announced on the front page of the April 16, 2020, issue of the North Thompson Star/Journal.

“I had a phone call from a lady who had read the article that came out in the Star/Journal a few weeks ago saying she wanted to enter the contest,” said Kibble, “As she doesn’t do Facebook, I took the information to her home, and I was amazed at the work people are doing in their gardens this year. This lady had used old tires for growing cucumbers, utilizing a black plastic lining that is now being sold so people can plant into any type of container. She also had vegetables planted in many other containers as well – she definitely will be a contender in the contest.”

Kibble says it is too early in the growing season yet to take pictures for the contest, as most vegetables and many flowers are just being planted now.

“I will go back in a few weeks and take pictures,” said the Councillor.

Kibble says she has also visited many businesses in the community, encouraging their participation in the Victory Garden themed contest.

“I know this is a hard year for businesses,” said Kibble, “But I hope they will participate like they did last year.”

She also notes there has been a lot of interest in the Kids Class this year, and contest organizers love the idea that “kids are being taught to garden and grow their own food”.

To find contest rules and how to enter, check out the Barriere Blooms Facebook page. You will also find the page to be a great place to ask questions about gardening; including soil, plants, containers, and even how to keep deer, cats, and insects out of the garden beds. Gardeners can share plants, tips, and help source what they need on the page as well.

“We’ve made the Facebook page to encourage gardeners to share their gardening tips, stories, pictures and maybe extra plants,” said Kibble, “But it is not a page for selling, or complaining.”

She notes a large jump in gardening and growing your own vegetables seems to be happening this year – perhaps a result of everyone having to spend so much time at home while social distancing.

Kibble says she senses that many people are getting back to being more self contained by utilizing their own growing space so they can put up preserves and contribute their own produce to the freezer.

“I think the whole town is into planting vegetables this year,” said Kibble, “I’m hoping for a lot of entries in our Victory Garden contest, and I know that everyone will enjoy participating and seeing what the other contestants have accomplished.”

There is still time to enter the contest, comment, and send entry photographs by going to the Barriere Blooms Facebook page, or contact Donna Kibble at: 250-672-5672.

Barriere Star Journal