Playfair named new CNC Board Chair

A new chair of CNC’s Board of Governors and a new vice-chair were named at the college’s annual general meeting Friday.

A new chair of CNC’s Board of Governors and a new vice-chair were named at the college’s annual general meeting Friday.

Keith Playfair won by acclamation as CNC’s new Board Chair after serving as vice-chair for regional campuses since April 2012.

“I am honoured to be taking on this important role at CNC,” Playfair said. “We have a lot of work ahead and I am looking forward to ensuring that CNC continues to serve its communities and provide excellent education.”

Playfair replaces Robert Murray, whose six year term on the board comes to an end on July 31. Murray, who was first elected as board chair in 2011, also served a two-year term as vice-chair for regional campuses.

“Bob has been a very dedicated and active board chair and he certainly leaves some big shoes to fill,” Playfair said. “We are looking forward to continuing his great work.”

Murray said the board made an excellent choice in choosing Playfair as his replacement. “Keith has deep knowledge of the college and how it operates and his many years in forestry and as a business owner will greatly benefit the board and the college,” Murray said.

Long-time Prince George Lawyer Lee Ongman also won by acclamation as Prince George vice-chair of the board. “Lee is very intelligent and knowledgeable and always asks excellent questions,” Playfair said. “She will be even stronger as vice-chair.”

Ongman was first appointed to the board in March, 2012. She holds a law degree from UBC and has been an adjudicator for the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal and has served more than 12 years on the board of the Prince George Native Friendship Centre.

Linda Smerychynski will leave her role as vice-chair Prince George to take on the vice-chair of regions role until her six year term on the board ends July 31.


Caledonia Courier