Please vote for your local business

The Burns Lake and District Chamber of Commerce announces the opening of nominations for the annual Business Excellence Awards.

The Burns Lake and District Chamber of Commerce announces the opening of nominations for the annual Business Excellence Awards (BEA). Chair Kelly Holliday stated that, “the Business Excellence Committee made a recommendation to the Board of Directors to amalgamate the 2014 & 2015 awards celebration into one year to get back on a regular schedule. This will allow our Chamber to set a regular event celebration date and this contributes to a highly-organized and fun event for our business community.” According to President Greg Brown, “the Board completely supports the committee’s recommendation. Hosting the awards ceremony in the fall makes great sense and allows us to nominate and award in the same year – just as many of our peer Chambers do.”

Voting this year will take place with paper nominations and ballots. According to Chair Holliday, “we hope to move to a hybrid model next year where we begin to minimize paper ballots in favour of an online system. Given a few hiccups we had last year, we want to revert to a paper-based system for this year.”

This year, the committee acknowledged that not all businesses who are nominated will be available to attend the BEA celebration and it would be appropriate to acknowledge their nomination. To that end, the Chamber is pleased to announce that a Nominee Reception will be held on Oct. 19, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. upstairs at the Burns Lake Curling Club. Light refreshments will be served and the Burns Lake Curling Club will have a no-host bar. President Greg Brown added, “this is a great opportunity to celebrate each and every business that has been nominated by their customers and peers.”

Key Dates: Oct. 1, 2015 – Nominations open, Oct. 14, 2015 – Nominations close, Oct. 19, 2015 – Nominee Reception – Burns Lake Curling Club, 6:30 p.m., Oct. 20, 2015 – Voting opens, Oct. 30, 2-15 – Voting closes, Nov. 6, 2015 – Business Excellence Awards dinner and dance.

For more information about the Annual Business Excellence Awards, please visit www. and follow the links to Business Excellence.


Burns Lake Lakes District News