Plug-and-play stage proposed for city wharf

Council reluctant to support venture without more information.

A local contractor wants to bring live music to the Marine Peace Park wharf with the construction of a stage facility. (File photo)

A local contractor wants to bring live music to the Marine Peace Park wharf with the construction of a stage facility. (File photo)

A proposal for a “plug and play” stage on the Marine Park wharf has council pressing pause for want of more information.

At its regular meeting May 14, council received a letter from local contractor Don Gray, in which he explains how he would like to “generate interest and enhance the public experience” at the wharf by constructing an enclosed, 150-square-foot stage for the purpose of listening to live music.

“The audiences for this project will be those who are enjoying a stroll or walk in the area… or those who actively come to the wharf for the purpose of listening to live music (once the project is completed and word in the community spreads,” writes Gray. He says the project would be a joint venture with Sea Dog Rentals.

In addition to Gray’s letter, council received a letter from Downtown Salmon Arm manager Lindsay Wong, who explains the organization supports Gray’s initiative and having “plug-and-play live music” at the wharf.

“We will continue to work with them to ensure appropriate musical programming/entertainment, plus assist in other ways,” writes Wong.

Council, however, was not so enthusiastic.

“The wharf is a place where lots of people go where it’s nice and quiet, you can see the scenery and all that kind of stuff – it’s a lot about bird life,” said Coun. Alan Harrison. “I’m not sure I like the idea of just someone who we’re not really sure of… going out there and plugging stuff in and starting to play out there. I’d have to think about it and know a lot more about it.”

Coun. Chad Eliason noted Downtown Salmon Arm already manages performances at the Ross Street Stage, while the Salmon Arm Arts Centre co-ordinates the Wednesdays on the Wharf concert series at the Marine Park gazebo.

Coun. Kevin Flynn said he would take council’s comments to the Downtown Salmon Arm board to try and get more information.

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