Thanks to the cooler temperatures, rain and tireless work of the BC Wildfire Service crews, Plumbob fire west of Koocanusa is now classified as Being Held.

Plumbob fire classified as being held – Evacuation alert rescinded

Thanks to the cooler temperatures, rain and tireless work of the BC Wildfire Service crews, Plumbob fire west of Koocanusa is now classified as Being Held. On recommendation from the BC Wildfire Service the RDEK has rescinded the Evacuation alert for 4 properties near Plumbob Mountain as of 2:00pm August 19.

Thanks to the cooler temperatures, rain and tireless work of the BC Wildfire Service crews, Plumbob fire west of Koocanusa is now classified as Being Held. On recommendation from the BC Wildfire Service the RDEK has rescinded the Evacuation alert for 4 properties near Plumbob Mountain as of 2:00pm August 19.

“The quick response of the BC Wildfire Service coupled with the recent change in weather worked together to bring about this great news today, we would like to extended our thanks to all those involved,” says Regional Emergency Operations Centre Information Officer Loree Duczek, in a press release from the RDEK.

The Plumbob Mountain Fire has experienced no growth since the cooler, wetter conditions settled into the region. The fire is 286 hectares in size and is still being actioned by the BC Wildfire Service.

With the rescinding of this Alert, there are currently no Evacuation Orders or Alerts in place throughout the East Kootenay region.

The Area Restriction around the fire, which prohibits public access within the restriction area, remains in effect for public safety and to provide access for crews fighting the fire. To view the map of the Area Restriction please visit

The RDEK would like to remind the public that there are currently no open fires permitted in the region, including campfires. Portable propane fires are allowed at this time; however, they must be ULC and CSA approved and the flame height must not exceed 15cm.

The changes to the Alert along with the corresponding map can be found

Cranbrook Townsman