Chef Jade Berg on the Sunshine Coast of B.C. (HULU photo)

PODCAST.: B.C. chef Jade Berg gets creative on Disney’s ‘Chefs vs. Wild’

TODAY IN B.C.: Foraging in the woods on the Sunshine Coast to create a 5-star meal

You will find ‘Today in B.C.’ podcasts on iTunes, Spotify, Amazon, iHeart and Google podcasts.

‘Chefs Vs. Wild’ is a new show on Hulu which will premiere in Canada on Disney+.

The premise is that a fine dining chef is paired up with a survivalist somewhere in the woods on the West Coast. They have four days to gather as many ingredients as they can while surviving on their own, then use those ingredients to create a five-star meal.

Chef Jade Berg tells Today in B.C. host Peter McCully that he left High River, Alta., to work in the restaurant industry in Vancouver and eventually settling in Campbell River on Vancouver Island.

“Living on the coast since 2008 and Campbell River for almost eight years, I have never seen that much rain in a week, let alone sleeping (without a sleeping bag) on a bed of sword ferns while all trying to figure out how you’re going make a meal,” said Berg. “It was the rainiest, most miserable weather I have put myself through and there was a night where I thought, ‘what have I done to myself?’”

Berg talks about food you can find in the woods or on the beach and uses for those ingredients as well as some of the ‘wild ingredient’ dishes he has prepared as a private chef.

You can follow the chef’s adventures at:

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