B.C. Official Opposition Leader Kevin Falcon. (THE CANADIAN PRESS/Chad Hipolito)

PODCAST: One-on-one interview with BC United Leader Kevin Falcon

TODAY IN B.C.: Opposition Leader talks housing, carbon tax, ferries and more

You will find ‘Today in B.C.’ podcasts on iTunes, Spotify, Amazon, iHeart, YouTube and Google podcasts.

In a wide-ranging interview, host Peter McCully chats with the Leader of the BC United Party, Kevin Falcon.

Falcon says the catalyst behind the party’s name change from the BC Liberals was driven by members who wanted to emphasize a party focused on British Columbia’s interests and uniting people around principles supporting a free enterprise, private sector-driven economy.

“And through the course of that selection process, we came up with BC United,” said Falcon. “And I like it because I love the idea of unity and united. I really believe that in British Columbia, regardless of where you were born or what God you choose to pray to or you know, who you choose to love, I think it’s important that people feel really welcome in a party that is anchored by principles and wants to try and get different results than we’re seeing today.”

Falcon strongly opposes the NDP’s approach to drug decriminalization, labelling it a “reckless decriminalization program” without proper safeguards with negative consequences, such as open drug use in public spaces and the rising overdose death rates.

He also discusses policy initiatives related to education, including the return of letter grades and restricting smartphone use in schools.

The podcast episode also covers housing affordability, a pressing issue in British Columbia. Falcon criticizes the current government’s approach, which he said focuses on taxing housing without adequately addressing the supply side of the problem. He advocates for streamlining the approval process for housing projects and reducing government taxes and fees on housing to make it more affordable for individuals and businesses.

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