Police arrest suspect at school

The suspect – not a student – was arrested at GFSS when police responded to an alarm at the school.

On Nov. 28 at 3:40 a.m. police responded to an alarm at Grand Forks Secondary School (GFSS).

“Two police officers attended the school,” said Staff Sgt. Jim Harrison. “The officers entered the school and couldn’t find anything. They went back and opened the principal’s office door. They noticed a broken window and open cupboard doors and that there was, in fact, a break-in.”

During the officer’s search they discovered a male hiding behind a door against the wall.

“He was immediately arrested and found in possession of stolen property from the high school as well as some property from a recent break-in at the Gospel Chapel.”

Charges were laid against John Landry, a 27-year-old male from Grand Forks. Landry was charged with break and enter, possession of break-in instruments, possession of methamphetamine, and possession of stolen property.



Grand Forks Gazette