Police briefs: Smoke alerts officers to pot stop, locked bikes swiped

Police briefs: Smoke alerts officers to pot stop, locked bikes swiped

Empty bottles targetted for theft

Where there’s smoke…

During routine patrol of Cattle Point on May 4, an officer saw a plume of smoke coming from the front passenger window of a parked vehicle. The observed drug paraphernalia and could smell fresh marihuana. The vehicle was searched and a small amount of marihuana was seized along with the associated drug paraphernalia. No charges were laid.

Locked bikes swiped

On May 2, two separate locked bikes were reported stolen sometime during the previous night from the UVic area. One is described as a white CCM Apex 6061 24-speed mountain bike and the other is a white Diadora 21 speed mountain bike

Empty bottles targeted

Police responded to a report of an attempted theft of empty bottles that were stored in a secure area, May 6. The suspect was confronted and left the area prior to police arrival. A couple hours later police responded to the same area and arrested a male who was attempting to leave the area on his bike with empty bottles that he had stolen from the secured bin. The male was later released on a document compelling his appearance in court on a later date.

Screenings pay off

Shortly after midnight on May 7, police stopped a vehicle for a motor vehicle infraction where the driver was found to be impaired. The driver was served a 90 day immediate roadside prohibition and their vehicle was impounded for 30 days.

The Oak Bay Police conducted a roadblock in the 800 block of Beach Drive April 28 and issued a three-day immediate roadside suspension and their vehicle was impounded for three days.

Kayak reported stolen

The owner of an orange “Malibu Two” ocean kayak reported his kayak was stolen May 1 from the Cattle Point boat launch sometime during the late afternoon on April 16.

Oak Bay News