Police in Nelson were busy last week.

Police in Nelson were busy last week.

Police chase Nelson man on foot

A 45-year-old Nelson man was arrested early Thursday morning following a pursuit on foot.

A 45-year-old Nelson man was arrested early Thursday morning following a pursuit on foot.

At 3:05 a.m., the man allegedly committed several traffic violations. A Nelson police officer attempted to stop the vehicle, however it attempted to evade police resulting in a short vehicle chase. The vehicle then stopped and the driver fled on foot where Nelson police followed and subdued him some time later.

Police say the driver resisted and they were required to use pepper spray and physical force.

The Nelson man is charged with resisting arrest and possession of a controlled substance, other criminal charges are pending.

The passenger in the vehicle, a 50-year-old female Castlegar resident was also arrested and held in custody until sober.



In other police news, Nelson police responded to the 200 block of Vernon Street Thursday at 3:20 p.m. after receiving a call requesting to remove an intoxicated man from a residence.

Upon police arrival, the intoxicated male had armed himself with a hammer and was seen running through houses with the hammer clearly visible in his pocket.

The 29-year-old Ontario resident responded to police’s orders to drop the hammer, but continued to attempt to flee and struggle against police who were required to use physical force to take him into custody.

The man remains in police custody while the investigation continues.


Nelson Star