Police dog, handler credited with assault arrest

Police dog, handler credited with assault arrest

Incident happened in Armstrong, where man allegedly assaulted parents in home

Dash did his thing.

Vernon-North Okanagan RCMP police service dog Dash, and handler Cpl. Richard Gingras, are being heralded for their efforts in arresting a man in connection with an assault at an Armstrong home Tuesday night.

Shortly before 8 p.m., police responded to a 911 call from a panicked woman, stating she and her husband were being attacked in their home by their adult son.

Members responded immediately and found a 62-year-old woman and her 71-year-old husband visibly shaken and upset, waiting for police outside their home.

“Investigators learned that the suspect had allegedly assaulted the two and threatened them with a loaded cross bow,” said Cpl. Kelly Brett.

Police entered the home, as it was believed the suspect was still inside, but evidence led to the back door where the man had fled on foot.

Dash and Gingras were called to the scene, and Dash picked up a track that led police to the suspect hiding in a neighbouring yard.

“Dash and his handler located the male after the track led them through many neighbouring yards, over fences and eventually apprehending the suspect without incident,” said Brett. “Cases such as this are always higher risk for our police service dog, his handler and the members on-scene as they are tracking into the unknown where further weapons could be present.”

The victims in this case sustained minor injuries during this incident and were offered medical attention and access to victim services on-scene.

A 32-year-old Armstrong male remains in custody and is facing possible charges of two counts of assault and assault with a weapon. He is scheduled to appear in provincial court in Vernon today.


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