Police issue safety tips for children

Child abductions are rare, but awareness needed, say Terrace RCMP

  • Sep. 13, 2012 7:00 a.m.

WITH the start of a new school year the Terrace RCMP are asking parents and care givers to remind their children about personal safety.

It is important to reinforce basic safety principles to your children in order to educate and prepare them should they be approached. Some tips to plan for, keep in mind, and discuss with your children are:

  • There is safety in numbers. Whenever possible walk with a friend or relative.
  • Rides should never be accepted without asking a parent first, even if the child knows the person.
  • It is okay to say NO. Should someone try to grab or restrain them, teach them to scream loudly, make a loud noise, and shout, This person is not my parent.
  • Whenever possible take notes of any physical vehicle descriptors and licence plates.
  • Call 911
  • If you are familiar with the area, go to the home of someone you know or go into an open business
  • Establish a secret word or phrase for your family. This should be used in emergencies to identify a safe person other then their parent or caregiver.

Incidents of child abduction are rare, however it is important to educate our children.




Terrace Standard