Police will be out in force to target drunk drivers this weekend as part of ICBC’s annual CounterAttack campaign. (Contributed - ICBC)

Police launch Christmas CounterAttack this weekend

On average, 11 people are killed in crashes involving impaired driving on the Island every year

  • Nov. 27, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Police will be out in force to target drunk drivers this weekend as part of ICBC’s annual CounterAttack campaign.

And although COVID-19 has changed many things, it hasn’t changed the law – if you plan to drink, don’t drive.

“We know celebrations will look different this holiday season,” said Lindsay Matthews, ICBC’s vice-president of public affairs and driver licensing.

Impaired driving in B.C. (ICBC)Impaired driving in B.C. (infographic) ICBC

“If you’ve been drinking at home, please stay at home and don’t drive. When you drink and drive, you not only risk your life but those of others on the road. We all need to do our part to prevent crashes and save lives. If you plan to drink, plan ahead.”

On average, 11 people are killed in crashes involving impaired driving on Vancouver Island every year. More than half of impaired-related crashes (56 per cent) occur on the weekend (Friday to Sunday).

“We fully support our road safety partners and the CounterAttack campaign and will be out in force over the holiday season to deter impaired driving,” said Superintendent Holly Turton, vice-chair of the B.C. Association of Chiefs of Police Traffic Safety Committee.

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